
Un4seen Developments - The BASS audio library (1by1 needs the 32 bit version, not 64 bit)

Rarewares - Providing free MP3 and AAC codecs (Lame_enc.dll and libfaad2.dll)

The mpg123 Project - Original mpglib and related links

The Lame Project - Free mp3 encoder


Cut & Fade - Proper cropping of tracks with mp3DirectCut

1by1's HTTP web and streaming server

dsp_1by1enh DLL

Version 2.1, 2023-08-12

1by1's audio enhancers as DSP plugin for Winamp 2. Formerly "dsp_compwide". Can also be used with other applications which support Winamp 2 DSP plugins, e.g. ffdshow. (26 KB)

mpglib DLL

Version 0.92, 2001-11-19. Distributed under LGPL.

Alternative decoding library for 1by1 or mp3DirectCut. Decodes MPEG Layer III and Layer II. Only needed for MP2 or if you don't use MP3 ACM or BASS.

mpglib.dll binary (29 KB)

mpglib source code (41 KB, only needed for developing)

FreqCheck Audiogram

Version 2023.01.27 for Windows. Freeware.

FreqCheck is a sine wave generator to create audio curves. With appropriate use, a kind of audiogram (auditory curve) is possible.

FreqCheck (14 KB)

MP3SCH3 Music

Free electronic music tracks

by the author of mp3DirectCut and 1by1.