mp3DirectCut opens even large MP3 or AAC tracks very quickly. You can scroll/swipe them to find cut points. Create a selection of the range you want to cut by either long pressing and dragging, or with the buttons for setting begin and end. Adjust the selection with the begin/end buttons, the trim buttons, or by dragging the edges. If the selection fits, press the Cut button. If you don't like the result, press the Undo button.
Fast MP3 editing on Android

Cut MP3 and AAC on Android in no time
mp3DirectCut for Android provides direct editing of MP3 and AAC without re-encoding. Lossless editing saves encoding time and preserves the audio quality of encoded tracks. The app concentrates on basic features of mp3DirectCut: Cut, crop, extract, join, copy, paste - and on MP3 also fade. With its clear user interface and smart audio navigation you easily swipe through even long tracks.
Direct MP3 and AAC editing without re-encoding · Ultra fast file opening · Quick navigation by dragging, swiping and position bar · Selection by dragging, trimming or position · Prelisten selections as cut or as loop · Save of whole audio, selection or project file · Fading in and out to defineable level (MP3) · Simple copy & paste · Very small app size · Ad-free
mp3DirectCut (lite) for Android
Version 1.06 · 2021-10-18 · 150 KB · Freeware SHA-256: 9977eb52ba3bbf04393cbae1120 2196f8d11f4754974e2a633f35526bddf5215Changes
1.06 | Simple copy & paste · Long press actions for some buttons |
1.05 | Some modifications and corrections |
1.04 | Fixed selection display bug |
1.03 | Play problem fixed · Better and adjustable graph sync · Minor improvements |
1.02 | Own file open dialog · Some adjustments |
1.01 | Android 10 compatibility by "scoped storage opt-out" · Overwrite bug fixed |
Read and write external storage
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Create a selection with the range you want to extract. Prelisten the range as loop to simulate ringtone play. Adjust the selection edges by longpress and dragging or with the buttons for trim or begin/end. If your selection sounds fine, choose Save from the menu, select a folder and a file name, and on the radio buttons switch to Save selection. Then save the file. Tipp: All button labels are shown in the FAQ (menu)
Yes, by using Append. Either call Append from the menu and choose a file to append. Or choose mp3DirectCut as action from a file browser. If it has already audio opened, it will ask to append the file. Important: Only tracks with matching audio parameters (samplerate, channel mode) can be appended!
mp3DirectCut (lite) opens MP3 and AAC (LC) files. Important: Only real file paths can be opened. Opening an indexed Audio from the media database does not work! To open a file, either choose Open from the menu and select an MP3 or AAC. Alternatively you can use an installed file browser to open a file with mp3DirectCut.
Because an external SD card is write protected by the system. mp3DirectCut needs the permission for full storage access. It can be set in the app settings of the system configuration in newer Android versions. On older Android versions or if you don't want to enable full storage permission, you can save the files to the internal storage and then copy them to the SD card with a file mananger.